Yeah, I can't imagine that having a doctor's note would help anymore. Because it's not as if the anti-trans people want to ban crossdressing for everyone except those who are "legitimately" trans and they hope we trans people will see doctors and therapists to help us transition. Just the opposite: Today, the anti-trans "gender-criticals" aka "sex realists" (many of whom call themselves liberals or centrists) are saying that gender stereotypes should be abolished. If there were no gender stereotypes, "crossdressing" couldn't be a crime because clothes wouldn't be gendered, but "going too far" and being trans would be a crime. They don't want us to see affirming doctors/therapists and obtain written notes that instruct the police to leave us alone. They want the system to prevent our transness. In the "sex realist's" world, people would (allegedly) be allowed to dress as they liked as long as it didn't seem they were trying to present themselves as the "other" gender, which they think is going too far. They want a gender-binary society: bend the categories of masc/fem to unstereotype them, great, but don't break the legibility of man/woman—that's what they say.