When I updated my memoir, Bad Fire, I came up with the description: This book will make you trans. In that statement, I was trying to prompt the idea that everyone is always changing--or that no one is exactly what they "are" because we are all defined by what we once were or what we will become.
No one is trans, as you put it, or everyone is trans, as I put it...Same diff. We're all equally capable of questioning categories and living through change.
Of course there is a factual distinction between those who transition genders, live between genders, or otherwise challenge gender roles in very particular ways--they are trans--and those who are basically cis (provocative and nonconformist though they may be in other ways). But this is just an observation about how we are living our lives and feeling our feelings. Beyond the factual or situational level, I agree: We are not different kinds of human. "Trans" and "cis" are culturally specific, time-bound ways of categorizing human beings. Those labels, too, can change. They certainly have changed.
On this topic, yesterday I read Paul B. Preciado, Yo soy el monstruo que os habla. https://tuckerlieberman.medium.com/binary-gender-social-construct-paul-preciado-e443f539f1c0