Well, it was Alejandra Caraballo who pointed out the infantilization, so I credit her, but I highlighted it because she is right! People with autism know their own genders and sexualities. So many queer/trans people are autistic! It's interesting to me to wonder (idly, since I don't know the answers) how different ways our brains/bodies are wired could give us different ways of communicating and perceiving, and how our wiring might affect other aspects of our identities and desires. Like, what if instead of a "gay gene," there's really "gay neuro-wiring"? 🤯 I'm just spitballing (I'm not a scientist and don't even know what the different options would mean), but it's cool to wonder about. There are probably as many possibilities as there are individuals. If we could explore the possibilities instead of having to deal with homophobia/transphobia all day, imagine what we'd learn. Unfortunately, the Invalidators often take a shortcut argument that we inherently can't know anything because of the LGBTQ, or because of the autism, or both—and "you can't know yourself" is a real conversation killer. They just don't want to be in dialogue or inquiry. They make one power play after another.