Books Like This Cause ‘Irreversible Damage’

Even if you see through it, it wastes your time.

Tucker Lieberman
42 min readJul 25, 2021


Regnery, a publisher that describes itself as “a major force within the conservative movement,” last year published Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters. (That was the U.S. publication; it was released last month in the UK.) With a title like that, I figure many people would be anxious to know what it says but would be less excited to read misinformation and smears about themselves, so I am volunteering for this disagreeable task.

The author is Abigail Shrier, who previously wrote “The Transgender Language War” for the Wall Street Journal in August 2018, the response to which she says kicked off her interest in writing more on the topic. She wrote a follow-up for the WSJ in January 2019, “When Your Daughter Defies Biology,” and has previously freelanced for The Federalist.

Irreversible Damage is as bad as the title and subtitle make it sound. It’s politicized misinformation about transgender identity, using kids as a punching bag. Books like this are harmful. Teenagers may not be able yet to unpack it, but I am old and I have learned how to do it, so here I go. I dedicate this effort to them.

Broken glass
Image by Zdeněk Tobiáš from Pixabay

The Book Starts By Not Defining Its Terms



Tucker Lieberman

Editor for Prism & Pen and for Identity Current. Author of the novel "Most Famous Short Film of All Time."