The word "relativism," too--at least in the moral/ethical sense--is used as shorthand for "the enemy" in discussions about ethics and meta-ethics from just about every possible perspective. "Relativism" is used to mean things like "not believing in right and wrong" or "leaving it up to individual choice" or "giving authority to cultural tradition" or "imposing your ideas on others" or "being a hypocrite" or generally up-ending discussions about ethics in a disorienting way by rejecting the fundamental terms of the debate, or even merely by *having opinions that are inscrutable and annoying to someone else.* Meanwhile, to me, the word itself evokes the idea that ethics is relational (which it most certainly is, in my view) as opposed to some "fiat justitia ruat caelum" endeavor licensed, by mysterious authorities and means, to cause more damage than it repairs.