Thank you for this information, Ruchi! As well as being helpful to readers, it is helpful for authors seeking places to distribute their work.
It is interesting to me how authors have different perspectives on making their work available for free. It seems that most prolific writers distribute at least something for free; the personal question for them is which material (and how much of it) they'll choose to give away and what is their motivation or goal in giving it away. It makes sense that they'd be happier when they choose to give away something for free than when they put a pricetag on it and it's stolen from them. Either way, their writing is something they offer to the world, and they're hoping that the world will accept it on the terms on which it's offered.
Also, I want to add: It really helps authors when readers request books at a library! (An "old-school," official library that's networked with other libraries.) The library makes a note of the request and might be able to purchase and catalog the book. Some authors grumble at the thought of people reading their books "for free" at a library, but the library is doing a lot of work behind the scenes to make that book known and accessible.