15 Transphobias in ‘Trans Totalitarianism’

Rod Dreher’s August 2022 article in The American Conservative

Tucker Lieberman
9 min readDec 12, 2022


carved spooky jack-o-lantern with fog coming out its eyes and mouth
Jack-o-lantern by Benjamin Balazs from Pixabay

Last August, Rod Dreher wrote a long, rambling screed called “Trans Totalitarianism: Time For Moral Panic” in the American Conservative. It’s low on facts and high on transphobia. First, I’ll show you quickly how we recognize that the perspective is transphobic, and then I’ll show you 15…



Tucker Lieberman

Editor for Prism & Pen. Author of the novel "Most Famous Short Film of All Time." https://tuckerlieberman.com/