I am interested in what you said about gendered language in Chinese. I didn't know anything about that!
Where you said, "Gendered pronouns only bear significance in the LGBT community," I wonder if you were commenting specifically on Asian societies? (Because earlier in the article you specified "...in most Asian societies...") In English—and I am most familiar with the United States, but I believe this is true everywhere—if you refer to a man as "she" or a woman as "he," it's a gender mislabel. That person, and everyone else who hears you, very definitely cares about it. Straight, cis people care just as much, and in many cases even more, about their gender pronouns than lesbian, gay, bi or trans people do. In the US and in English, anyway. People might be more forgiving of a speaker for whom English is clearly not their first language. But I, as a native English speaker, would not get away with calling cis people by the wrong gender pronouns. They wouldn't let me!