I agree, the debate over a term like "life" is intended to control women. One could wordsmith about whether a particular embryo was "alive" but then "died," or whether it had a chance at "living" a bit longer, i.e., whether it was "viable," and if it was not "viable" then it was never properly "alive" in the first place... The philosophical question is unresolvable. There's no "correct" answer. It comes down to beliefs, i.e., assumptions, i.e. definitions, which are about how we choose to use words. The political question of "life" (abortion rights or the lack thereof) always comes down to whether a person has the right to control their own womb and decide whether they will continue a pregnancy. There's no point arguing about whether a non-viable embryo is nevertheless still alive (and deserves the right to live non-viably?). The relevant fact is that the prospective/possible mother chooses not to attempt or continue with that pregnancy, and it should be a legal choice for her to make, not requiring others' input.