Green Birds Are Birds

I point this out because you asked

Tucker Lieberman


How lovely—the green birds!

Two Asian green bee-eaters. The underside of the wing is rust orange. The breast is vibrant green.
Asian green bee-eaters by Nghang Vũ from Pixabay

There’s a bird?

A dark green parrot hidden among leaves of similar color
Parrot by Pexels from Pixabay

Yes. You don’t see it right away because it’s green. Look again.

Oh. There it is.

Yes. The bird is green! Isn’t nature clever?

Clever, yes. Clever and funny.

A lighter gray-green parrot hangs sideways on a stick
Parrot by moghulm from Pixabay

And look at this one, too!

Hey—that one doesn’t look green.

It is, kind of. It doesn’t have to be. We might call it green. Look closely—I think it is indeed green.

I’m not sure it’s green. I agree it’s a bird though.

Hummingbird in flight. The breast is white. The back is a pale gray-green.
Hummingbird by Jill Wellington on Pixabay




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