‘Mæj’ Is Enchantment: New Fantasy Fiction

A luminous and lilting debut novel

Tucker Lieberman


elaborate fantasy cover for Maej that shows pearlescent silhouettes and the title and author in glowing letters
Maej by Dale Stromberg. Cover art by Rachel A. Rosen.

Sometimes, on the ley lines in the city of Sforre Yomn, you’ll see “mæjish phenomena” known as wisps. Follow one and see where it leads.

The imaginarium of the new novel Mæj:

An intricate, glowing landscape, crackling with reality-benders and powered by courageous rebellion.

The magic is called ‘mæj’

In this high-fantasy world by novelist Dale Stromberg, you might have a magical clock that updates the fragrance of your bedroom to let you know what time it is: “the faint odor of cassia…replaced with the scent of mimosa.” You might go out to a tea-house and be served a drink with the aroma of the tenqah berry, like “vanilla, caramel, magnolia, and cut grass.”

You’ll meet matriarchs who speak Ilasi, a minority language in the land of Hwoama that depends not only on ordinary pronunciation but also on something called lilt: “a subtly varying emanation of mæj from the body of the speaker, modulating like the light of a flickering match.” It overlays pronunciation like a harmony.



Tucker Lieberman

Cult classic. Author of the novel "Most Famous Short Film of All Time." Editor for Prism & Pen and Identity Current. tuckerlieberman.com