Did you make the cartoon? It clicked something into place for me.
"[Since you have X capability], you must be a boy!" That's what they say when they transvestigate women athletes, for example. It's their attitude.
They project this attitude onto everyone who supports trans people. (!) They claim it's a "regressive," simplistic, restrictive attitude when trans-affirming people are the ones allegedly manifesting it. But of course, they, the "GCs," manifest it.
This is how they pretend that trans people are the ones who invented gender (in the sense of stereotypes and norms — all the bad stuff about gender, anyway) and that they are on a holy crusade to stop trans people from spreading bad-gender in society.
To them, the sentence "Then you must be a boy!" is bad when "boy" refers to gender identity. By making "boy" instead refer explicitly and solely to sex, they imagine themselves to be combatting this trans corruption. They swap out the gender meaning for the sex meaning, and they say: "Then you must be a male!" That's why their response to their imagined foe of "gender ideology" is transvestigation. Supposedly they're going to expose all the trans people for who we "really" are "biologically", or who we would have been socially, had we not transitioned or asserted ourselves as trans.
Although they say it's "regressive" for us to declare our own gender identities and to change our bodies in ways that feel right to us, their solution is what's reductive: they simply insist that we "really are" what they say we are and "really aren't" what we say we are. They are patriarchally controlling when they tell us we aren't allowed to modify our bodies, wear what we want to wear, change our names, self-ID our gender or allow anyone to continue perceiving us in our post-transition gender. They are denialist when they say that trans people don't actually live in our genders and that no one perceives us as belonging to our genders. Transvestigation is a tool of that patriarchal control and denialism.