Member-only story
They Will Write a Song in Your Honor
If it doesn’t come to you, call it in
You’re putting out some bad stuff and some good stuff.
The good you can do today gives a window into what you can do tomorrow.
If it feels bad to feel good, it’s because you learned to feel ashamed of feeling good.
If you can’t make art, you can always make art of your life.
If it doesn’t come to you, call it in.
If you can’t reach it from where you’re standing, pivot.
You’ll crash through that boundary.
So much dwells in the curiosity, the willingness to pause, the persistence to see it through.
Of course it’s not guaranteed. You are the guarantee.
If you lose energy to work, find time to engage.
When your fire’s out, you’ll still have your practice and your craft.
Once you forget the laws, you’ll have more freedoms.
You can’t become better if you don’t change.
Once you see who you can be, go and be that.
If it doesn’t happen on its own, go happen it.
Before you decide not to do it today, ask if it’s all right never to do it.
They will write a song in your honor.