Why is the Far-Right Increasing the Intensity of Their Anti-Trans Beliefs?

Because they’re bored by finally winning against abortion rights

Tucker Lieberman


One yellow cube amidst many blue cubes
They’re alarmed by deviance. Cubes by Arek Socha from Pixabay

On a recent episode of TruthOut’s “Movement Memos” — “Attacks on Trans Rights and Abortion Rights Are ‘Bound Together’” (June 3, 2022)—Kelly Hayes talks with fellow Truthout contributor Shane Burley, author of Fascism Today and Why We Fight.

They talk about what Hayes describes as “the far right and how attacks on abortion rights and trans people fit into a larger fascist agenda.” Burley says the Republican Party is currently able to pursue its longstanding agenda “without any restrictions…in some of the most far-reaching ways possible.”

One Thing ‘Attack’ Can Mean

Yesterday, I wrote about one type of attack. The Proud Boys showing up at LGBTQ events, for example.

When The Far-Right Finally Wins Their Anti-Abortion Laws, How Will They Raise Money?



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