A couple days ago, I received a related comment here on one of my stories. It alleged that "conservatives" ask real questions about the importance of maintaining social norms while "the left" merely responds with insults of the You're transphobic! sort and is unable or unwilling to engage the conservatives' questions nor to pose any questions of its own. This relies on a big conceptual mash wherein trans people and tolerant cis people alike are grouped as "leftists" who are incapable of "paus[ing] to ask any questions," whereas anyone who lobs any aggressive "question" against a trans person's existence is automatically assumed to "bring value to society" via the lobbing (regardless of whether their "question" is even phrased in a way that can lead to any discovery of relevant facts or otherwise advance meaningful discussion). Another permutation of this is, as you point out, the allegation there is a trans/cis-ally/leftist cabal or movement that not only fails to ask questions, and not only responds to questions with insults, but goes further and actively suppresses some supposedly good-faith and crucial "debate" for some bad-faith and nefarious reason.