15 Common Features of Anti-Trans Troll Comments

They really pack ’em in

Tucker Lieberman
5 min readJun 19, 2024


shoveling candy sprinkles
So many. How shall I decide? by jodiandbrett from Pixabay

When I publish an analysis of an anti-trans ideologue’s words, which they might have published in their book or blared on the YouTube circuit, I get a particular genre of trolling comment in response.

These 15 features are typical. I’m giving you these hints on how I swiftly recognize them.

Typically, The Anti-Trans Trolls…

1. Don’t respond to anything I actually said

No one can make them respond to my actual topic, so why would they bother? They don’t waste time reading what I, a trans person, actually wrote about being trans. They just type some anti-trans words into the reply box.

2. Shift the topic to argue about whether I’ve read the book

There are a few flavors.

(a) Thanks for recommending the book! Sounds great! They’re gleefully telling me they hold the opposite position and they side with the anti-trans person I was critiquing. They can troll me without having listened to anything I said! How smart they are!

(b) You should read the book before you comment on it. This after I wrote, say, for example, a 5,000-word article…



Tucker Lieberman

Editor for Prism & Pen and for Identity Current. Author of the novel "Most Famous Short Film of All Time." tuckerlieberman.com