Member-only story
The $120 Million Anti-Trans Joke
We used to call it ‘the one joke,’ but now they’ve gone and spent money on it

“I identify as…”
Some people seize that as an opportunity for mockery. The right-wing is forever making its anti-trans joke:

Sometimes they reformat it slightly as a pronoun-based joke.
It’s the same joke. They only have this one joke. As defined in Wiktionary:

This election season, in the US, the “one joke” is a set of TV ads. The Republicans have paid $120 million and counting for it.
Why? To communicate their values and character.
Will it win them the election? We’ll know in two weeks.
Should they stop? Indeed, they should never have started, because what they’re doing is wrong.
Today’s Bulwark article
U.S. voters say the economy is their biggest concern. Concern over the existence…